How far is Peru from my home town?

In order to provide a useful reference, we have put together a chart of approximate flight duration for each destination.
Nonstop Flights
Country City Approximate flight time
Estados Unidos Dallas 7 hours 12 minutes
Houston 6 h 45 m
Los Angeles 8 h 35 m
Miami 5 h 45 m
Atlanta 7 h
Argentina Buenos Aires 4 h 15 m
Chile Santiago 3 h 25 m
España Madrid 11 h 30 m
Flights with Stopovers
Country City Approximate flight time
Estados Unidos New York 8 h 35 m / with a stopover in San José
San Francisco 10 h / with a stopover in Los Angeles
Washington 9 h / with a stopover in Newark
Alemania Düsseldorf 18 h 40 m / with a stopover in Madrid
Frankfurt 15 h 30 m / with a stopover in Madrid
Francia París 14 h 50 m/ with a stopover in Miami
Italia Milán 14 h 50 m / with a stopover in Madrid
Roma 15 h 10 m / with a stopover in Madrid
Reino Unido Londres 15 h 10 m / with a stopover in Madrid
Japón Tokio 20 h 35 m / with a stopover in Los Angeles

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