Morropon: Chulucanas and Vicus

Province of Morropon

Locale of Chulucanas
60 km / 37 miles east of Piura (45 minutes by car)
Chulucanas is known for its potters and the quality of their clay. Inheritors of pre-Incan traditions, they know how to make the ochre, greens, yellows, and blacks. The last color is due to the use of the mango leaf, burned in a process called “humeado” (smoked). The Chulucanas’ artisans express their customs and traditions through their pieces.

La Encantada
5 km / 3 miles from Chulucanas (15 minutes by car)
This is a village famous for its skilful potters, the inheritors of the Vicus culture, a civilization that was an example of dedication, work, and a collective spirit. The customs of the people reflect these traditions, which has allowed archeologists and historians to reconstruct the social and economic life of this culture.

Monte de Los Padres
An old plantation, which was the second settlement from the Spanish city of San Miguel de Piura in 1534. It occupies two zones: Piura La Vieja (Old Piura) and La Bocana (The Entrance) or Monte de Los Padres (Priests’ Mount).

Vicus Archeological Zone
7 km / 4 miles southeast of Chulucanas on the Vicus hill and its surroundings (10 minutes by car)
This is a demonstration of the development of one important culture that left exquisite works in fine metals and ceramics. It includes two hills, Vicus and Yecala (50 km from Piura). This is an area that huaqueros (grave robbers) have caused irreparable damage.

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