Huancabamba: Las Huaringas

Province of Huancabamba

Las Huaringas Lakes (3957 masl / 12982 fasl)
The route is 27 km / 17 miles from Huancabamba town to the village of Salala (2 hours and 30 minutes). It is another 15 km / 9 miles by horseback or walking to Lake Shimbe or Black Lake (2,5 to 3 hours).
There are fourteen lakes famous for their medicinal properties. The main one, The Black or Huaringa Lake (which means “lake of the Inca”) gives the area its name and is the favorite of the majority of shamans.

The so called Lake Shimbe or Siviricuche (Turquoise Lake) is the largest and the only one where fishing is allowed. In addition to those mentioned above, there is another group of seven. The climate is chilly and so is the water. The representative flora around the countryside is bunch grass, chilhuas, tortora reeds, and bushes like the vilco and the quinahuiro.

Sitan Waterfall
5 km / 3 miles from the city of Sondor (30 minutes by car)
It is located in the Curlata Gorge (2600 masl / 8530 fasl) and falls 25 meters / 82 feet. It is recommended that you visit it during the low water time.

Temple of the Jaguars
19 km / 12 miles from Huancabamba (1 hour by car) in the District of Sondorillo
Built in the 1200 A.D. to worship the jaguar, there is a pair of jaguars carved into the rock that catches the eye around which have been built altars for the ritual offerings. When the Incas conquered the area, in the middle of the fifteenth century, they imposed their sun worship here and for that reason, the original structure is covered in red clay.