Province of Ayabaca

Ayabaca Cathedral or Main Church of Nuestra Señora del Pilar (Our Lady of the Column)
Center of the town of Ayabaca
Constructed in the seventeenth century, it features two towers and thirteen arches representing Christ and the twelve apostles. Inside you will find gold leafed shrines and some canvasses from the Quito School. The church is known for housing the image of the Señor Cautivo de Ayabaca (Captive Christ of Ayabaca).

Samanga Petroglyphs
From Ayabaca, travel 51 km / 32 miles (3 hours by car) to the “El Toldo” sector of the village of Samanga
There are 240 petroglyphs spread out along the width of the sector, which lies 2300 masl / 7546 fasl. The low relief carvings of the huge blocks of stone are attributed to the ancient Guayacundos and might have represented celestial movements. The word, “samanga” means “where the mounds lie”. In the lowest part of Samanga, the El Tuna sector, the petroglyph named The Altar is found, where the elements of Andean duality are represented in the carven images.

Aypate Archeological Complex
32 km / 20 miles from Ayabaca (1 hour and 45 minutes by car) until reaching the village of Aypate
It is placed in the highlands between 2800 and 3100 masl / 9186 and 10171 fasl and date back to the fifteenth century. It was an administrative and ceremonial center, built at the order of the Incas in the lands of the Ayahuacas. You can see Incan homes and various other living quarters like the main square, the kallanca (palace), the ushnu (temple), the acllahuasi (house for chosen women), and the agricultural terraces.

The place is surrounded by a cloud forest with its particular flora and fauna: orchids, bromeliads, bearded guans, and deer. 100 meters / 328 feet east of the main center at the end of the terrace itself, the Pyramid of the Moon is located, an important ceremonial center.

Cuyas Forest
5 km / 3 miles northwest of Ayabaca in the Cuyas-Cuchayo Farming Community (10 minutes by car)
The altitude varies from 2200 to 2900 masl / 7218 to 9514 fasl at the top of the mountain, Cerro de Cuyas, and the cloud forest is spread out in an area of 600 hectares, formed by forest ecosystems and abundant wild plant life. The place is characterized by seasonal fog that covers the plants at their level. There are more than 100 species of birds living in the environment, among them being the bearded guan, striped owl, pauraque, sword-billed hummingbird, hornero, rufous-necked foliage-gleaner, golden-headed quetzal, and others. In addition, the place has beautiful waterfalls. The best viewing times are between May and December.

Chocan Therapeutic Baths
20 km / 12 miles from Ayabaca (30 minutes by car)
The water is hottest in the morning. Supposedly, they help combat rheumatic, pulmonary, skin, and nervous system disorders. They are located 2715 masl / 8907 fasl.